Weekly Wrap-Up

This week went pretty well! It was a lower mileage week to give my legs a chance to recover…they were starting to feel pretty slow and sluggish.

3.4 mile hill workout on the treadmill (35:00), followed by strength training.

Cross-training day: 40 minutes on the elliptical followed by ZWOW #14 (yikes that one is tough!). I messed up my timer and I don’t have a score/time for the ZWOW, boo.

Ran 5K with the husband (30:16) and then ran by myself until I hit 5 miles (48:44). Husband was bummed he didn’t hit below 30 minutes for his 5K…silly guy, the last time he ran 5K (one week prior) it was 33:XX, so he shaved off more than 3 minutes in one week. I told him that’s really something to be proud of.

This week is a lower mileage recovery week for me so my long run was ‘only’ 10 miles. My Garmin was back to its old tricks and I didn’t even bother to take it with me. I knew roughly where my turnaround point was and just ran without a time. The obsessive Type A side of me was starting to freak out about the lack of precision, but I told myself to just go with it.

Took a rest day. I kind of wish I had gotten some light cardio in. I think from now on I’m not going to take complete rest days unless I really need them. I always feel much better if I get an easy workout in.

Slow 9 miles with the husband (1:51:06). I’m taking advantage of these slow runs to really concentrate on my form. I’m definitely seeing some improvements.

A quick 2 miles on the treadmill (17:21) followed by ZWOW #15.

Total Miles: 29.46

How was your week?

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